There is something about setting GOALS in a New Year. One of my goals is to read through the Bible every year. In 19981 I met an older believer who mentioned he had read through the Bible every year for the last 50+ years.
I heard his testimony and decided right then that I would do the same. I’ve read the Bible through every year since 1882. My first goals are spiritual ones.
After spiritual goals, I like to set physical goals. When you eat well and exercise, you just fell better and have more energy get through each day God has given us. These bodies are the temple of His Holy Spirit. It’s good to keep them fit.
I recently wrote a short article on quick exercises you can do to keep your heart healthy. The article on Quick Exercises is here. You can get a lot of benefit with just a 4 minute exercise.
One of my favorite exercises is using a mini rebounder. I’ve heard you can get the equivalent of 30 minutes of running with only 10 minutes on the rebounder. The best one, in my opinion, on the market is the Needak Rebounder. This is the one I own and use Folding Soft-Bounce Rebounder.
What are some of your New Year’s Goals?
Ian says
Hi Jean,
Thank you for asking. I started moving away from a SAD (standard American, or in my case Australian, diet) towards more fruit & vegetables. I found an excellent resource in and have lost weight and feel generally much better. Also, I would like to look at exercise options and in about 2 months will begin to commute by bike to and from work (around 1/2 hour each way). Other goals are related to music and I would really like to learn a little bit of Mandarin this year. My spiritual walk may be different to yours as I don’t attend a church but I would like to continue to learn how to care about other people and also to relax in knowing God more.
Pretty ordinary activities but with gratitude I think they make for a great life. The major thing I need to concentrate on in 2010 is to a little every day.
admin says
Cultivating a thankful heart makes a HUGE difference. Sounds like you have lots of healthy goals with your biking and diet.
Ian, may I encourage you to get plugged into a local church. It’s a perfect place to discover and use your gifts. Plus as you do use your God-given gifts it blesses others and gives you a new purpose in life too.
Blessings to you, Ian.
Ian says
Thanks for your response. I’m afraid that I’m one of these weird people that you may have read about in books such as George Barna’s “Revolution”. I attended quite a few different denominational groups and also home groups over a long period of time and eventually ended up in a charismatic church. It just got to a stage where I could no longer connect with ordinary people in the community and live a normal life. I made some decisions a bit over 4 years ago to leave and to be honest it has been a really productive time. I understand that this sounds just plain wrong to many people but there is just no comparison to how I think today and what was happening over 4 years ago.