Learning chords and different strumming and picking patterns is an easy way to play the guitar. Did you know, it can also work with piano? My friend David Sprunger has a whole system that teaches you how play the piano by ear. Listen below to a simple pattern:
It’s an easy pattern, but look how David’s uses it to sing a song. David, by the way, is a Worship Leader and has been on my Newsletter list for years. Listen to the audio below. Doesn’t he have a wonderful voice!
Once you begin to learn patterns, your options for playing songs open up. Listen below to the incredible arrangement David made of ‘Wayfaring Stranger’ using several different rhthmic patterns.
Isn’t that a beautiful arrangement! How would you like to sound like David too? Well, you can. To learn about his program go to: http://worshipguitarclass.com/piano.html