I often get emails from guitarists that are stuck in a rut using the same strumming pattern for every song. Here are 6 finger-picking patterns that you can use with 4/4 time songs. I wanted to teach them to you with a song, but I can’t use popular worship songs because most are copyrighted.
You can learn with popular worship songs in my Worship Guitar Class series. All the copyrights have been paid for in this series. The copyrights cost more than duplicating the DVD’s. That’s probably why most guitar instructional DVD’s don’t use copyrighted songs. (Worship Guitar Class Lessons)
As a teacher, I know you learn a new skill better if you can apply it. I was trying to figure out a way to teach you these patterns using a song or songs without worrying about the copyrights. It occurred to me that I could just write a simple song and that it might even be a springboard to help you write songs too!
Opening up the Bible, my eyes caught Psalm 56:3,4. A melody popped in my head and in minutes the song was ready. It’s my hearts desire that this blog entry may encourage you to write songs too. God loves new songs and it encourages our own hearts to be reminded of His Promises.
You can find the music under the video. Download and print that off first, then watch the video. If you’re newer to playing the guitar, I suggest you listen to the entire video, but only work on one finger-picking pattern at a time. The easiest is the first one.
Click the image below to view the 9 minute Video
[S3VIDEO file=’jw/6strums-movieSm_Prog001.flv’]