The Testimony
One of my favorite testimonies is about A Day in the Life of Margaret Mayfield. The mother of one of my prayer partners heard her at a church in Texas. My friend’s mother bought several of the cassette recordings of the testimony, and Marion, my friend, shared it with us.
I had planned on attaching the YouTube video, but it has been taken down. Margy had been memorizing Scriptures, and one day a serial killer by the name of Stephen Morin kidnapped her. He was wanted in several states and had just raped and killed a woman the night before.
She thought she was going to die that day, but instead, God clearly spoke to Margy to pray for him. And after she prayed, Margy said the atmosphere in the car changed. He was the most demonic-looking man she had ever met.
In the next 10 hours, she witnessed to him how God loved him and could forgive him of all of his sins. There are so many cool miracles weaved in the story. He did receive Christ as his Savior and was caught later that night.
Stephen was sentenced to death. But, in his last years in prison he led many other criminals and guards to Christ. All of the rage and anger that had controlled his life was gone. Instead, he was filled with God’s love and wanted others to know the freedom he found in Christ.
Margy’s husband was so freaked out about almost losing his wife that he forbade her from ever seeing Stephen again. Except, one morning, they both knew that she was supposed to see him. Normally it takes months to get clearance to go inside the jails, but all the jail guards let her pass through.
Stephen came out in shackles and just started crying. Stephen told her it was his birthday that day and that the night before, he had asked God to let him see that lady once more.
His Last Words
Stephen was killed by lethal injection in 1985.
His last words were:
“Heavenly Father, I give thanks for this time, for the time that we have been together, the fellowship in your world, the Christian family presented to me (He called the names of the personal witnesses.). Allow your holy spirit to flow as I know your love as been showered upon me. Forgive them for they know not what they do, as I know that you have forgiven me, as I have forgiven them. Lord Jesus, I commit my soul to you, I praise you, and I thank you.”
You can listen to the 35 minute audio of Margy’s riveting testimony here –
It’s an amazing testimony of the many stories and miracles of that day.
Awesome true story of God’s miraculous power and grace
This has been my very favorite CD of all time. It is a true REDEEPTION story. I love listening and sharing it with others. God wants to use us as He used Margy that day.
I first heard it from the leader of my prayer group. Her mother saw Margi at their church and bought a bunch of her CD’s to give to friends. It’s such a riveting and wonderful story! When I hear these, I never forget them.
YouTube does have video on this now. Look up “Margy Palm” (last name changed) Sid Roth interviewed her in 1996. Other video are available too.
Thanks Richard. It’s such an amazing testimony!!
I love Margy and used to share her testimony with Sid Roth to others. I have been a Bible student since 1980s and still I am in my doctorates, learning and practicing the very living and literally working word of God.
I wish and pray to meet personally with Margy who exercises the word courageously at the right time. God use her more and more.
It’s such a great story. Best wishes in your studies!