Musical notes in the Western World are the same on any instrument. Here’s a 5 minute video showing you the notes on the piano, solfege, & guitar. You will learn what a movable ‘Do’ is and why the notes have different names in different countries. Solfege is the term for ‘Do Re Mi,’ etc.
The video starts with a piano, then shifts to applying what you learned to the guitar. You should be able to figure out any note on the guitar. To master the notes, it’s easier to learn a few at a time. I like Frederick Noad’s ‘Solo Guitar Playing.’
He was one of my teachers and I learned classical guitar from this book. It’s available in most music stores and I’ll put it on my site too. If you want to learn the notes, I would expect it to take about a year and you’ll be able to read music up and down the neck of the guitar.
[S3VIDEO file=’jw/notesSm_Prog001.flv’]
DavidMichael says
Shalom, Jean!
This is a lesson worth reviewing. Last summer a friend reminded me of how she, even as a veteran musician, needed to refresh herself in ‘keyboard to guitar’ scales. Do you have this on a Video/CD? If not, maybe good to include as an ‘appendix’ to one. Slow beginners appreciate being able to go over and over things. Thank You and G-d Bless you,
P.S. Praying for Video #4 as requested. Praised Be His Name!
Jean says
Hi Yochanon,
Yes, I’ve filmed a bit of the piano for DVD 4. Will be explaining how to make bar chords on any fret in different families. It’s really helpful to know the musical notes on the guitar to figure it out.
Thanks for your prayers!!
God Bless,
adeel says
thanks for sending me helpfull material especially iwasplacing my thumb in front of index finger on fingerboard ihave changed this . please remember me in future.
GOD blaee u
Dianne says
I would be interested in that video also…. I really like your way of teaching. Leading worship is wonderful and a priviledge and I pray that I can learn to play better, more effectively. Please do let me know when the video 4 is ready!
steve says
Hello Jean!
Iam interested in playing guitar by reading notes…………..Where can I get the products in India?
………….Let me know
Jean Welles says
I like Frederick Noad’s ‘Solo Guitar Playing.’ I used to offer it at my website. I’ll try to get it back up this week. If you can’t find it locally, it should be available from in a few days.
God Bless,
Pastor.Robert.F.Maduro says
God,Bless you Jean Welles,can you send me Chord Charts With Pictures
Jean Welles says
Pastor Robert,
To get the common chord charts, just sign-up for the Newsletter and it’s sent automatically. I’ll do that for you now. If anyone can’t find the chart, but already gets the Newsletter, you can still sign-up again to receive the Welcome email with the charts and tips.
God Bless,
danny says
like this site so much.
Morson says
I have checked on your website but I cant find the Frederick Noads book. I have also checked on the net but I am getting lots of books by this author. Which one do you recomend? Please advise
Jean Welles says
It’s up, you can find the Noad book, Solo Guitar Playing, at this URL –
His ‘Solo Guitar Playing’ is an instructional book starting from the basics. It’s introduces a few notes at a time and when you finish the book you will know all the notes up and down the fretboard.
He also wrote several collections, for example the ‘Renaissance Period’, ‘Baroque Period’, etc. I helped him with several of his anthologies.
In the credits to the ‘Renaissance’ it says ‘Jean Wells.’ Well, that should have been ‘Jean Welles.’ That was one of the many books I helped him with. I read through tons of original music looking for very good pieces and also gave him input on some of the fingerings.
These books are great, once you know how to play all the notes. They are not instructional books.