In our Women’s Bible Study last night, we watch the DVD again of ‘How Great Is Our God‘. I’ve posted the video here and if you haven’t seen it, you will LOVE it!! Louie talks about how huge our Universe is and tries to compare everything in terms of the earth being a golf ball.
Then, when you realize how small we are, he ends by talking about how wonderfully and fearfully we are made. In Ephesians, Paul prays that we would have the power to understand God’s great love for us.
When you can start to get your head around how Magnificent He is, then you might just begin to comprehend how much He LOVES us to have sent His only Son to dies for our sins!
I always like to end my Newsletters with ‘Worship Him with all of you heart because He loves you with all of HIS! Carve out 40 minutes to see the video… Click Here.
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