In the last Worship Guitar Class Newsletter I mentioned my thoughts on Psalm 139:16-17:
“How precious are Your thoughts towards me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand”
Cheryl Perry sent me this photo and message:
Dear Jean,
I have received your email for a few years now and want to say how much I enjoy the scripture you included today with your mini testament. I too love the beach and have a great appreciation for it. Being a sister in Christ also, I am part of a women’s group that shares what God has done for us and ways we can serve Him better.
I have made a ministry of using personal photos that I have taken and placing scripture with them. Here is the one that I used for today along with the scripture that you have brought to light. This photo however is of me at Wilmington Beach, NC taken by my husband.
God bless you and your ministry.
Cheryl D. Perry
Tami sent this fascinating email with the actual sand count in a teaspoon and an excellent gift idea:
Hello, Jean
Psalm 139:16, 17 is an awesome reminder of how often our Lord thinks of us. Did you know that there are approximately 5,000 grains of sand in one teaspoon. To get a visual picture of how often we are on God’s mind, make one grain of sand equal one second. It would take 82 1/2 five-gallon buckets to equal one year’s worth of thoughts! But it says, “and when I awake I am still with you.” All the sand in the world equals just the night’s thoughts! Wow!! I guess this is His way of telling us that we are continually on His mind.
No, I didn’t take the time to count the grains! I got my information from Chuck Missler. I’m assuming that this is medium-grain sand. A couple of weeks ago we were at Bellows beach on Oahu and discovered that sometimes sand comes in near-powder form!
He is indeed an awesome God!! One would have to wonder why He would bother with us – what makes us so dear to His heart. It’s humbling when one stops to really contemplate it.
Thanks for the reminder that He – literally – never leaves us.
In His Majesty’s service,
Tami Benson
Praise Him!
PS – a teaspoon of sand in a little jar (I used small salt & pepper shakers) with a note about the contents and Psalm 139:16, 17 makes a great, inexpensive gift – and a great way to encourage others!
R. Peschell! says
Beautiful promise by Him. Somehow, His omniscient power allows this to be true for every believer. What an awesome God we serve.