Every day I’m struck with awe at God’s hand in creation. Even this morning, walking in the neighborhood, I saw a woman with a standard size white poodle and started thinking of all the variety of dogs He has made!
Years ago, we had a toy poodle. A toy is the smallest variety of poodle. We got him as a puppy and he used to fit in my coat pocket. So cute.
How about horses? Each type of animal God has created is filled with variety and beauty!
I’m going to be hosting another worship song contest in September. The theme this year is expressing attributes of God. It can be about what He has created, how immense is His Love, how wonderful His grace or anything that focuses on God. It can be either to Him or about Him.
In the last contest there were songs submitted by whole families. Why not have everyone in your family contribute to a song? Maybe each child can suggest a verse or ideas for the song?
If there are enough family entries, I may even have a prize for the most listened to song in a separate ‘Family’ category. Like the previous contests, there will be a category for kids and one for adults. Will post the details of the contest in the next couple of weeks. Meanwhile, start thinking of writing your song to express your understanding of God’s great and wonderful attributes!
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