Irreducible Complexity Of Our Eyes
One of the reasons it’s easy to see the existence of our Creator God is because of the irreducible complexity seen in cells, like the ones in our eyes. There is no such thing as a ‘simple cell.’ I watched a DVD last year that showed through the intense microscopes scientists have discovered that even the smallest cells are incredible complex.
Look at just the eye. There are 127 million rods and cones in each eye. To see, light passes through the lens and hits the retina. Then it is changed by light-sensitive cells into images that the brain can interpret. This all happens in an instant.
The evolutionary theory claims that the eye gradually developed over time. But to see, all of the parts of the eye had to be there from the beginning…. the iris, pupil, cornea, lens, muscles, rods, cones, with the nerves and brain. Can you guess what the odds would have to be for such a complex organ to have ‘accidentally’ formed?
I remember a preacher once talking about how a watch was made. If you took all the pieces of a watch in your pockets, how long would you need to shake them in your pocket for the watch to be formed. Without direction things tend toward chaos. There is a watch when a watchmaker meticulously assembles the pieces together. There is an eye when the Creator meticulously created man in His image.
On either end of the spectrum is firm evidence of an intelligent creator. In another article on this site, you can find an amazing video of Lou Giglio describing the greatness of God through the greatness of the Universe and greatness of our DNA. It’s the How Great Is Our God video. It will change the way you pray and think about God.
He is HUGE and He is Personal! My Newsletters always end with ‘Worship Him with all of your heart because He loves you with all of His. God exists and He is good!
Dear Jean
I greatly enjoyed out talk on the phone! I was thrilled when I received my order. . I pray the Lord continues to The guitar rest greatly improved my finger positions and playing. I pray the Lord continues to bless your ministries.
Have a joyous Holiday Season.
Thanks Craig!