Christmas Gift Ideas
The basket in this picture was a gift filled with pomegranates from a friend’s tree and a present I received this year. The fruits are from Costco since the original fruits were consumed earlier this year. It was a great gift that I so enjoyed and were picked off her tree.
I’ve posted a Christmas Newsletter Video with other ideas like this that can help you save on your Christmas budget. Another idea in the video is to take plant cuttings to make inexpensive plants for friends and family. Pothos is a particularly hardy plant that is easy for just about anyone to grow. You do need to water it, but it’s quite forgiving if you forget from time to time.
We also have some discounts going for this month that are announced in the short video. Music is a wonderful gift to give friends and family. We have kids worship guitar lessons for the little ones and of course our main Christian guitar lessons too. We have quite a few programs now. Including Christian lessons for piano/keyboard, percussion, voice and even a praise violin book.
For me, the main reason of this season is to celebrate the day God stepped down to earth and was born as a baby named Jesus. What an amazing world He has made! Even in the diversity of the foods we eat. For example, the pomegranate. What an unusual hard to open fruit filled with tiny seeds bursting with flavor and color. We have much to be grateful for!
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