There are several references to feasts and banquets in Scripture. One of my favorite parties, this side of heaven, is a Worship Party. I’ve hosted two kinds of worship parties: one where I and friends lead worship and one for guitar students to lead worship.
For the personal parties, we start with a potluck dinner, then end the evening with worship and prayer. I like potlucks because if doesn’t matter if 7 people show or 50 people. There’s always enough food.
Sometimes I print up some of the words to songs so quests unfamiliar with the lyrics can sing along. Every party is different. Several of us participate in leading worship. We take turns leading songs and sharing original songs too.
For student guitarists, I recommend having the music first before dinner. I have a program written out with who’s playing and all the words to their songs. It looks like a regular student recital, but everyone can sing.
New guitarists tend to get a bit nervous and that’s why we worship first. Then they can enjoy the meal with the performance behind them.
In heaven we’ll worship our deserving God. On earth, we can experience a touch of heaven by gathering up friends and sharing an evening of fellowship, food and corporate worship.
Jean Welles
Olen Ellis says
Good morning Jean:
I like your idea of a worship party. I frequently lead worship at my church (trade off with the pastor) and would like to devote an entire service to praise/worship singing.
Do you have a worship party on Sunday evening, or a day during the week?, or maybe Sunday morning?
San Diego
Jean Welles says
That’s a wonderful idea. I’ve been in churches that devoted an entire service to worship on Sunday Morning. I’ve also seen worship services done during the week or Friday Night. All of them are terrific.
As for my Worship Parties. I’ve also chosen Saturday Night. I tell people the potluck starts at 5:30. We actually start the dinner around 6:00. Worship starts around 7:30 and I like to aim at being finished by 9 because some people need to get up very early to serve at their churches on Sunday Morning. Then they don’t feel like they’ve ‘missed’ anything.
Blessings in HIM,
Lakshika says
Hello, I’m looking to purchase a beginner’s resource for learning the guitar (for worship). I have a few questions about your materials. Can you please send me an email? Thanks. Lakshika
Jean Welles says
Lakshika is from Singapore and since we are in stores there, Lakshika was able to purchase the DVDs locally. There is a list of retail stores at We’re in stores in Singapore, the UK, Canada, Jamaica and lots in the US.
Sieni says
I’d really love to host a worship party for my birthday. Nothing like worshipping our Father in heaven, especially in celebration!
admin says
Sieni, That’s my favorite way to celebrate birthdays too! Blessings, Jean