I just finished reading the book of Job and it struck me why he was such a man of God. Even in talking with his friends, he usually ended up communicating with God, even in his complaining.
Job has a real relationship with Him. His friends knew about God, but not one of them talked to Him or even prayed for Job. They knew second-hand about God’s Holiness and Purity, but had no clue about His Mercy and Grace!
The trial of losing his children and then his health was bitter… very bitter. Job is stretched to his limit in grief and pain. But you know what, I bet you he would not trade that experience for the world.
Job gained a deeper knowledge of His Creator. As he said, he didn’t understand things too wonderful for him, which he did not know. By the way, God restored Job’s health and life.
It says in Scripture to humble ourselves before God and He will lift us up. Job is a good example of this!
DavidMichael (Yocahnon) says
Shalom, Jean!
Amen. And a good reminder that even those close to us cannot know why G-d allows certain things to happen. It is dangerous when friends put themselves in a place of ‘judgement’. Church elders must be especially wary of this when they are asked to pray for another. We must forever humble ourselves and never ‘think’ we know the cause of another’s struggle.
In reading Kings, I am reminded that G-d postponed some afflictions to future generations!
So far be it from me to know why a brother or sister is undergoing some hardship.
So when we are beset with trouble, it is best
to Praise G-d, and say, as Job said, ‘though He slay me, still I trust in Him.’
Shalom Aleichem,
Jodi says
I think the key thing is relationship–a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Trusting Him in spite of what we see or feel. “And THIS IS life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent,” John 17:3. And as with any relationship it is either growing or dying. A moment by moment experience with Jesus. “Lord, which way would You have me to turn?” “Lord, what would You have me to do, not do, say, think, or feel? inspite of what I’d rather be doing at this moment.” It is choosing Him every moment of everyday. It isn’t a matter of making our priorities and then asking God quickly to bless our list and be off to our tasks. It is to ask God to guide us and direct what those tasks should be for the day and how best to glorify Him through accomplishing those tasks. It is a choice. Job made those choices his lifestyle so that when the tougher things came along the relationship was already there, the choice was made before the trials even came upon him. Faith, trust, and loving a personal God. God has given us a choice and we are to offer the hope of Jesus as a choice to everyone else–that is the good news!
May God bless you as only He can, and may each of us see Jesus more clearly each day!
Jean says
I agree! AMEN!
God Bless,
Diana Edwards says
I too am doing a study on Job. I am reading Chuck Swindoll’s book about Job along with the Bible. The thing that has amazed me so is that we knew what was going to happen to Job before he did because of the first two chapters. It shows me once again the God is always in control and never lets anything happen by chance. My bother and one of his daughters are going through a difficult time and the lessons from Job have been very insightful as I talk and counsel them. God is so good!
Diana Edwards
Prattville, AL