Over 100 songs were submitted for the Worship Contest… Songs for an Awesome God. Every song written is precious in God’s eyes. It’s been a joy for me to hear all the submissions. It made me cry thinking that these are just the songs in English. How pleased God must be to hear new worship songs sung in so many different languages!
Several beautiful worship songs are now posted at the site for you to hear for both age categories. Here’s a comment from one of the adult songwriters.
Went to the site… Good job! I listened… I am humbled. I’m thinking about voting for someone else. Wow… what a wonderful collection of worship and worshippers!"
Both categories are accessible from – www.worshipguitarclass.com/contest.html
I was particularly impressed with all the Kids that wrote songs. There were 21 submissions in this category. Nine are on the site. I know you’ll be blessed too, just hearing worship from the heart of a child or teenager!
The specific URL’s are:
Age 17 and younger – http://worshipguitarclass.com/sep-2006kids.html
Age 18 and older – http://worshipguitarclass.com/sep-2006.html