At both recent shows, CHEA (Christian Homeschool Educator’s Assoc.) and CBA (Christian Bookseller’s Assoc.), I gave free guitar lessons. Most of the students never played the guitar before, but several had been playing for years and I had the opportunity of tweaking their playing. Here’s the video testimony of Jane Laweson, from Remunda Cornterstone Bkst in Wickenburg, AZ, who said she learned more in our time together than her last 5 years of playing!
[S3VIDEO file=’jw/store-owner.flv’]
There are a couple dozen video testimonies at: Apologies to all the Friday Students… I didn’t think of using my camera for testimonies until Saturday at CHEA. Would have loved to include you guys too!) We started every lesson with prayer. If you aren’t doing this, you’re missing a HUGE blessing. God does answer prayers and you would be giving Him an opportunity to show you that He is the Best Guitar Instructor around.
Alesia Cambell, her testimony video is at: she purchased my DVD’s for her 15 year old son last year. He’s leading worship for his High School group now and shared with his mom that since he’s been playing worship songs, he’s noticed how good his playing is getting. God has been blessing his efforts. When we’re using our gifts to God’s Glory, He increases our talents. It was fun meeting so many of you. Thanks for all your kind comments at the shows!
I have Adobe 9 installed, but still cannot seem to download any of your newsletter video clips (relaxed-right-hand, using a capo, etc.) Sometimes the picture appears and sometimes it doesn’t, but the video never loads.
How can I fix this?
Don, thanks for your comment. You need Adobe Flash to see the videos. Go to and download the free flash player, or
I had a guitar at 18 years old, never found the time to truly learn of these regtetrable mistakes in life. Now I’m 50 plus, work away from home with time on my hands to learn and most of all, I want to play and write tunes for my little grand daughter who is eight months old. I’d like to play her something by the time she’s four or five years old. This will truly be an adventure in love, both for my grand daughter and for my love of music .thanks.