I recently finished a Beth Moore Study called ‘Believing God.’ She certainly is a wonderful teacher and vibrant speaker/encourager. On the last night we watched her, via DVD, demonstrate how short our lives are by putting a sign post on one end of the stage that said ‘0 Years’ and another at the opposite end of the stage with ‘1000 years.’
In Scripture it says that 1000 years is as one day to God. There were three more sign posts, one saying ‘500 years’ in the middle of the stage, ‘250 years’ between the ‘0’ and ‘500 years,’ and ‘125 years’ between the ‘0’ and ‘250 years.’ The ‘0 years’ and ‘125 years’ sign posts were close enough together that Beth could touch both with her hands.
That’s our life in terms of eternity. It’s brief. Well, a few days later I was worshipping and praying and a my first song in Spanish was birthed. I had heard from a number of stores that their Spanish customers loved my videos and DVD’s. I found out they were being used in several churches in the Panama, Spanish Churches in the US and in missions trips to Hispanic Countries.
The song, inspired by Beth Moore’s class, is all about how our lives are short and belong to Him. I sang the song to a few Spanish friends. One of my prayer partners, Marion, corrected a few lines and that Sunday, my friend Esther, from Cuba, told me she thought the song would be well received in a Spanish Church she knows. Then, Rich, a dear brother who preaches at a soup kitchen for mostly hispanics loved it too. I’ve sung at his soup kitchen a number of times, in both English and Spanish.
It’s a song with simple chords and I have it here with both the audio and music. Since English is the language most of you speak, I translated it into English too.
HERE to both hear and see the music. Feel free to use it in personal or corporate worship.
Thank you for the Spanish song “Mi Vida es Para Ti” I am a bilingual worship Leader for SouthEast Nueva Vida Baptist Church in Colorado Springs.
Just like the Cuban folks mentioned in the blog PTL! We also have a food pantry that my wife leads music on Saturday AM just before the message and distribution of the boxes of food to predominantly hispanics from Mejico. This song will certainly be a blessing to those folks. (as a result of this ministry the spanish ministry has tripled in number of decisions for salvation) Yes indeed, God is working ” GRANDEMENTE ” using the body of Christ as many are being saved as music like yours is song to soften/cultivate the hearts hearing the message in song; thus leading them to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ!! PTL.
Blessings ~ Fred
Hi Fred,
Thank you for your comments! I do pray that the song is a blessing to you and your wife’s ministry! I’m happy that you can use it.
Esther is from Cuba, but actually my friend Marion was born in Argentina and grew up in Mexico City. Rich, I’m not sure where he was born. God has blessed me with many precious Hispanic friends. Several of them help me with the DVD’s.
Joseph and Sylvia Arenas are from Columbia. They critique my pronunciations before any DVD’s go to print.
I love the body of Christ! Thank you for your service to Him too!
Excellent new christian song do you have a picking pattern for it>
Thanks Don,
I’ve actually gotten quite a few emails about the song too. What I plan on doing is making a straight word with chords sheet and sure, I can write out suggestions for picking it too. May take me a couple days. It’s been pretty busy and I’ve got other items, like working on DVD 4, that have a bit higher priority right now.
When I get the song again, I’ll send another Newsletter. Meanwhile, T i (ma) i will work nicely. It’s the pattern from ‘I Love You Lord’ on the first DVD. It’s lesson #7.
God Bless,
Dear Jean,
thanks for the news all the time. I was amazed of hearing your new song Mi vida es para Ti.
You are great and God bless your work. I’ve met Christian people in England and I was happy to see how God is working on us through the Holy Spirit. My husband opened his heart to Jesus thanks to those people in Forest Town Church-Watford, UK and this day was the most happiest for me.
NOw I can share and read your experience about living God and it make me happy and stronger.
I’d like wish to you good luck in your life, with regards Susanne Miano
Hi Jean-
I’m sitting here on a Saturday morning and just listened to that sweet song “Mi Vida es para Ti”. I am in the process of preparing to “do” (not me, the Lord does it) worship for a women’s Bible study at Metro where we are completing a Beth Moore study as well! She is a brilliant teacher.
The song you wrote is so right for my heart this morning. I know I need to be reminded in the stresses of life that that “mi vida es para el Senor”.
Muchas gracias, Marianne Sweel
Susanne, that is wonderful news about your husband! It is awesome to see your family and friends embrace the Lord!
And, Maianne, thanks for your comments too. Glad to hear you’re still leading worship. Please give my love to our friends at Metro. I saw Pastor Steve at the National Day of Prayer event but didn’t get a chance to talk to him.