Have you had a chance to hear the songs submitted for the 2009 Worship Contest? Each song was written to worship an Amazing God. When I think about His Goodness it’s staggering!
The ‘contest’ ends on January 9th, but it’s never too late to write a song of praise to the One who gave His life for us. You can hear the songs and vote once a day until the end of January 9th, midnight, pacific standard time. It’s one vote per 24 hour period.
You can find the songs at http://worshipguitarclass.com/contest2009-2.html
As an added treat, there are four original Christmas songs or Christmas song arrangements at the bottom of the page from four talented Christian Artists. Two are an instrumental guitar solo and an instrumental harp guitar piece.
I hope you enjoy each song and the hearts behind them. And, more importantly, I hope each song helps you to draw just a bit closer to the ONE who is being worshiped.
Blessings in Christ,
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