July 15, 1986–September 4, 2006
Isaac Dale King was born July 15, 1986, in Broken Bow, Oklahoma. He was the oldest of six children born to Dale and Karen King. Isaac died in a tragic car accident in September. Three of his closest friends—Aaron Davis, Stevo Dillon, and Sarah Foster—died with him. According to the Enid News, “The four were killed when their car was hit head on by another vehicle then collided with a third.” Isaac was planning to attend Liberty University following his volunteer work with Primary Focus, a group that performs at grade school assemblies, emphasizing a “character counts” message.
1 Peter 4:10 says, “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” God touched the life of Isaac King with many gifts, and Isaac lived this verse in every aspect of his life. The most obvious gift was Isaac’s music. The words that follow are also evidence of something greater—how Isaac used the gifts God gave him and how God used Isaac. In his short 20 years, Isaac was a true instrument for Jesus Christ.
Click the ‘more’ button below to be blessed with his story….
The lyrics from some of Isaac’s favorite songs start to tell the story…
Inside, outside, under my skin, never ending love, I don’t know where it begins. God, You still captivate me, fascinate me.
I could sing unending songs of how you saved my soul. My heart is bursting Lord to tell of all You’ve done….of how You’ve changed my life and wiped away the past. I could sing of Your love forever.
I am free to run, I am free to dance, I am free to live for You, I am free.
So, here’s the story of Isaac, his love of music, his walk with the Lord, and his legacy.
The Music was in Him
“When he was little,” says his father Dale, “I would hold his hand and help him strum while I held the chords for him and sang. By the time he was 9, he started lessons with me. Our home school schedule was to do schoolwork after breakfast. Many times when we looked for Isaac to help him get started on his schoolwork, we found him upstairs playing the guitar. ‘Come on downstairs, son. You have to do you schoolwork first,’ we told him on more than one occasion.”
Isaac loved to play guitar. “When we shared a room,” says his brother Daniel, “I would always get mad because he would practice all night long,” Isaac was in several Christian bands since he started playing guitar. But his dad says that his last band, After Three, was his favorite. Isaac wrote the songs, played guitar, and sang lead. Stevo Dillon played drums and Jared Oxford played bass. “They had played together for at least two years before the accident,” says Isaac’s dad.
A Pure Life for Jesus
Isaac became a Christian when he was 3 years old. On his My Space page, he wrote that he would most like to meet Jesus. He also wrote, “I love Jesus and I fight the world to follow God!” And so, he lived for 17 years as a light for Jesus Christ. “Most of all I love God,” wrote Isaac. “He is my center, no matter what I do.” Here is one of his favorite quotes:
“Worship is not the songs that we sing. It’s a life laid down that says, ‘Burn me up God. Use my money, time, energy, skills, family, job, all I have.’” Charlie Hall
“Isaac had a recurring dream,” recalls his father. “In this dream, he was holding two blazing swords. He said that in the dream he was fighting for purity.” Along with several of his friends, Isaac had chosen not to date, but to give all of his passion to his relationship with the Lord. He even wrote a song, entitled “Ooo Baby” that speaks plainly of abstinence until marriage.
“God gave me a scripture the morning after learning of their deaths,” said his father. It’s John 7:18: He who speaks on his own does so to gain honor for himself, but he who works for the honor of Him who set him is a man of truth; there is nothing false in him.
An Unmailed Letter to Daniel, Isaac’s Brother
God tests our faith. To get or become stronger, you have to try something harder, lift heavier, push yourself farther, run faster, push even beyond what your mind tells you can do. Rejoice when God asks you to do something you are afraid to do. Rejoice! Because He is testing your faith and He intends to make you stronger. DO NOT HESITATE to do what He asks. But, do it quickly, knowing He will sharpen your faith. To Daniel, My Dear Brother in chains.
Isaac’s Impact on Daniel’s Life
Isaac wrote this letter to Daniel, because not long ago, Daniel made some bad decisions that landed him in jail. Isaac would visit Daniel, and he would write him letters. “I really missed you more than anyone,” says Daniel. “I’m glad to have such a good brother, and I really admire you.” Daniel never got to tell his brother that he had always been his role model. “Underneath it all, I wanted to be just like you. I did tell you that I wished we could have been really close brothers who would push each other closer to God.” Isaac had promised Daniel that he wanted the same thing and that the two could make it happen when Daniel got out of jail.
Daniel was excited when Isaac told him that he would be moving to Tennessee to go to school. “I was proud of what he was doing and how he was so on fire for God.”
We can hear examples of Isaac’s deep love for God in his song writing and poetry. Here are Isaac’s words:
Running in the fast lane
Spinning at a fast pace
I’ve got to slow down, turn it off
And listen to what You have to say.
In your smile is simplicity’s key
Unlocking logical chains and slamming the wise in all their ways.
And I have to wonder, why do the smallest things always seem to make the biggest change?
I’ve become content with myself, so make me uncomfortable. I like my place, so push me around, get me out of the way. Knock me down, get me out of the way.
When I’m near you, these flames burn brighter
When I’m near you, my soul’s on fire.
Today is not your own. It’s not for you know where you’ll go!
You’ve got to give it up and learn to follow!
Now you might think it’s crazy, to be dancing in the parking lot
But I’m not worried, because He loves me
And He loves the simple things, like dancing.
Give me the words to say, give me the feet to walk
Give me the heart to give all I have away.
Give me the hands to hold, give me the life to love
Give me the strength to let go and give my life away.
I leave my dignity behind
I trust my heart and I lose my mind
Go to the door and I open it wide
And run outside.
Some things are worth fighting for
Some things you just can’t ignore
Love was all I ever wanted.
You’ll find me looking today for something tomorrow holds
And fighting back the regret that’s weighing down my soul
But there is something that I know
I will be made new tomorrow!
Every day I get in a fight
Between what I want and what I know is right
And the only reason I keep picking up this sword is…
I will be made new tomorrow!
And even with the world on your shoulders, there’s hope.
And even in chains, salvation is coming, I know it.
And even if the sky falls down today
And even if the world turns over and rolls away
Redemption is near…redemption is near.
A Gift for Helping Others
Once, after finishing his shift at work, Isaac walked outside and noticed a guy shoving a girl up against a car and shouting at her. According to Isaac’s father, he walked over to his car and picked up a sledgehammer that he happened to have inside. He said, “Dad, I picked up the sledge at the very end of the handle and held it out straight out.” He walked up to the guy and he told him to stop it…and he did.
Another time, he stopped at the convenience store for gas. He noticed two guys hanging out near the store. Their hoodies were pulled so that you couldn’t see their faces well. Isaac started putting gas in his car while he kept an eye on the guys. He saw the two guys look around and then go in the store. In a moment, one of them ran out with some beer. Isaac reached the door just in time to meet the second guy coming out. He punched him, right in the face, knocking him down. The owner came out, and Isaac said to him, “You got him?” The owner said, “Yes,” and Isaac took off down the street after the second guy. When he caught up with him, he grabbed him by the collar. He dragged the guy, who was now laying on the ground, back to the store, all the while yelling at him, “This was a stupid thing to do…you’re not even old enough to drink…you’re such an idiot!”
An Adventurous Soul
Isaac loved adventures, the outdoors, and anything physically challenging. Several years before his untimely death, Isaac, his father, and one of his brothers trained for a weeklong bicycle trip across Oklahoma, from the Texas state line to the Kansas state line. “We started training in February for the June ride. I remember riding with Isaac and Daniel, challenging each other to see who was faster, and singing at the top of our lungs, “I feel good, I knew that I would now.”
Isaac loved climbing. Many of his friends tell stories about the rock-climbing wall at the local YMCA. “I heard him talk about how much fun it was, and I finally told him I would like to try it,” says his dad. “One afternoon, he took me down to the Y for some private instruction. I put on the shoes and the harness, and then the workout began. Isaac insisted that I climb the same route 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 times before moving on to the next.”
Isaac’s Friends, Isaac’s Legacy
Isaac’s dad characterized Isaac’s friends this way. “I had the pleasure of working with each of these amazing young people. I taught Sarah guitar and later persuaded her to assist me in teaching a class. Isaac, Aaron, and Stevo worked with me for a home improvement company. The homeowners from a recent job commented that they had never met a more respectful, hardworking, and responsible bunch of young people and that these kids had restored their faith in today’s youth.
“Often we speak of parents leaving a legacy for their children,” says Isaac’s dad. “But this time, it’s the other way around. Sarah, Aaron, Stevo, and Isaac have left a legacy for us, and we’re the ministers of that legacy. Not just the parents, but all who knew them, knew what they stood for, and were encouraged by their smiles and challenged by their examples to face your fears, to work harder, to climb higher, and to say yes to that next adventure that will come your way.”
When God calls you to your first adventure, or your next adventure, with Him, will you say yes?
Here is one of Isaac’s Songs:
[S3AUDIO file=’jw/mp3/isaac.mp3′]
Here is a picture of Isaac, Aaron & Jared recording their music. Stevo is the drummer in the picture below. Then a picture of Aaron and Sarah dancing. Isaac, Aaron, Jared and Sarah are presently in the presence of their King.
Isaac, Aaron & Jared
Aaron and Sarah dancing
Special thanks to Sherrie Conroy for writing this article. She is a professional Editor and friend. Thank you Sherrie!
Again… Dales Dad offers their CD for a donation of any amount. Contact him at:
Contact him at the address above and/or leave any comments here as well. Dale had submitted the song in the blog for the Worship Contest for the age 18 and older category.
Great article, Jean.
I know Dale appreciates it.
God bless,
Wow, This was such a touching article. I didn’t know Issac as well as some, but while I knew him I had no idea how influential his life was on other people. This teaches me to open my eyes and look all around me for God’s presence. Sometimes it’s hard for me to see just like anyone else I assume, but with people like Issac it’s easy to see God’s presence. I only wish he was still alive so I could hang out with him and hopefully he would set me aflame. All it takes is a spark to ignite a flame for Jesus. I hope this article speaks to everyone the way it spoke to me.
Thank you, Dale. Did you know that our present music director is also a guitar player? We, at GRBC, are still saddened, not only about Isaac, but about the way all the youth abandoned the church. I hope they have all found what they were looking for. And we still hold onto the hope that some or all will return. We tried everywhere to find a part time youth director to no avail. Mary
Thanks for such message. I am touched, moved and inspired by this message and Issac’s life. Such a young man of great faith and love for Jesus. This leaves a message for all of us , it is not how long a man lives but the kind of life he lives that is important. We cannot go wrong when we live for Jesus. Scriptures say what shall it profit a man to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his soul. This young man Issac wanted to burn up for God when he said “Burn me up god, use my money, time, energy, skills, family, job and all I have”. This reaaly left an impression on my mind. How many of us today say things like that? All Issac had was for Jesus. We must give thanks to god in all things and especially for the life of Issac. Let us pray for ourselves and others that we may continue to live for Jesus and to put him first in our lives. Gos is Good all the time!!! Let us continue to love god and our neighbours. I love you all. Peace.
We must also ask god to direct our paths and help us when we fall. Scriptures also say, “Remember the lord in thy youth”. Young people please take a page from Issac’s life. Don’t think you are too young to serve the lord. To the family of Issac I say continue to serve the lord and don’t give up. Jesus will hold your hands and it will be alright in the morning.
I am much inspired by reading his testimony. I have saved this web address in delicious under tag “inspiration” thinking that whenever i am down, may be i got to read this article about his life style. Thank you guys who put up this article on this blog. I hope whoever reads this, they will really be touched, inspired, self examine and recommit their lives to GOD.
God bless,
Samson (India)
: “A Merry Christmas?”Coping with grief”- 02/12/06 ………………………………………………………………………………………..
Isaac’s life is a beacon in the darkness of our grief and sorrow. atrailblazing path for all of us journeying through Life.
Festivals and celebrations are meant to infuse new life and hope in struggling humanity.
Still, it is very true that most of us who have undergone deep sorrow and pain, on the loss of our near and dear ones, feel unable to participate in the mainstream celebrations of any major festival.
While we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, we celebrate the love of God for Man, and Love
“For God So Loved the world that He Gave His Only Begotten Son…” (John 3:16).
Christmas is not only about rejoicing. It is also about sorrow and pain.
Jesus Christ was born in a stable. There was no room at the inn. (Luke 2:7).He Was Rejected and Crucified.
At the same time, Herod massacred all the male children two years of age and under. (Matthew1:16).The Holy family had to flee to Egypt.
In memory of Isaac and all of us touched by grief,A cathartic remedy may be to reach out to marginalized, prisoners and underprivileged in any form.
There is in every human heart a sad place that only God Can Touch and Heal.
Isaac is celebrating and praying for us in Heaven
Denis Khan
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Hello Very good site. Thanks for author! G’night
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Hi all! I found your site very informative and helpful, thank you.
STREET PREACHING, or Open Air Evangelism, is an often controversial yet valid and important form of evangelism. The Lord can use open air preaching in a powerful way, as Stephen found out in the book of Acts. On Mars Hill Paul preached a stirring message to the Greek philosphers and thinkers–IN THE OPEN AIR!
On this page you can view a short video compilation of General Deborah preaching at the Gallup New Mexico Native American Market. Also find pictures of other ROYAL REGIMENT RAIDERS who we are friends with and whom we want to encourage. You can contact them through the links to their websites.
We want to encourage any and all who let the Lord use them in this way. Keep up the GOOD WORK! Don’t let the enemy discourage you! Know that your fellow soldiers here at AGGRESSIVE CHRISTIANITY are praying for you and beseeching God to bless your work. Our prayer is that God will raise up more ROYAL REGIMENT RAIDERS in this hour, for the need is greater than ever.
If you could use AGGRESSIVE tracts and booklets to distribute please contact us and we will supply them FREE OF CHARGE. If you need prayer support you can contact us for that as well. It is time we stand SHOULDER TO SHOULDER in this terrible struggle to see souls redeemed! We are the ARMY THAT SHEDS NO BLOOD!